Contemporary Japanese garden - Toorak
Contemporary home in Toorak with stunning Japanese garden
This garden was a collaboration between Kihara Landscapes and Rex Lin Architects. The home is a contemporary masterpiece and is beautifully complimented with its minimalist and sleek Japanese garden. The living room over looks the contemporary Japanese garden featuring expansive slate paving and gentle flow of water in low lying ponds lit up beneath the massive feature white walls. The low-lying ponds have been fitted with gentle bubblers and flowing water can be both seen and heard adding to the tranquillity of the space. Central to the garden a single honey locust has been chosen for its bright green foliage. Approaching the home is a more traditional style Japanese garden which features a variety of Japanese maples which have been hand selected for their colour and shape. The traditional garden is designed to represent the style of gardens common to ryoukan type accommodation in Japan.
Maples, azalea and star jasmine play an integral part in this Japanese garden.
Throughout this project Moto worked closely with Rex Lin Architects ensuring a seamless connection between the home and the garden.